Create custom Webworkers in Windows Azure Pack Websites

Today a customer came to me with the question if it would be possible to create your own Webworkers in Windows Azure Pack websites.
The reason for doing this is because they want customers within 1 subscription to be able to have 1 website in a “small” scale, and for example another in a “medium” scale.

With the default instances available this is not possible.
When you install Windows Azure Pack websites you get 2 compute modes: Shared, and Dedicated. You get 3 SKU modes: Free, Shared and Standard.
And these SKU modes have one or multiple worker Tiers.

Free: Shared
Shared: Shared
Standard: Small, Medium and Large

So to be able to reach this goal we need to create dedicated SKU’s for new the existing tiers, or new tiers in new dedicated SKU’s.
After starting to look for some documentation I found there was not much available describing this, however when I started looking for commandlets I found the following:

get-command *sku* -Module websitesdev

CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Get-WebSitesSku 1.0 Websitesdev
Cmdlet New-WebSitesSku 1.0 Websitesdev
Cmdlet Remove-WebSitesSku 1.0 Websitesdev
Cmdlet Set-WebSitesSku 1.0 Websitesdev
get-command *tier* -Module websitesdev

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Cmdlet          Get-WebSitesWorkerTier                             1.0        Websitesdev
Cmdlet          New-WebSitesWorkerTier                             1.0        Websitesdev
Cmdlet          Remove-WebSitesWorkerTier                          1.0        Websitesdev
Cmdlet          Set-WebSitesWorkerTier                             1.0        Websitesdev

After this, the next few steps were easy to create a new Workertier, and a new SKU.

New-WebSitesWorkerTier -Name "Custom-Small" -ComputeMode "Dedicated" -NumberOfCores '1' -description "Custom Small Tier" -MemorySize '2048'
New-WebSitesSku -SkuName 'Custom' -ComputeMode 'Dedicated' -WorkerTiers 'Custom-Small'


Now I was able to add this new worker into my websites cloud, and use it in my Windows Azure Pack portal!

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