New SQLServer DSC Resource cSQLServer

Today we have released a new SQL Server DSC Resource that has been created by merging the already existing xSQLServer and xSqlPs resources and adding new functionality like:

– SQL Always-On (with domain credentials)
– SQL Always-On between 2 Clusters
– SQL File streaming
– SQL Always-On with Listener

For more information please check the source at:

Demo Video:

A more in depth article will be published early January!


DSC Module: cManageCertificates

I just bumped into the issue where I needed to import a certificate to a server before I could use it in a DSC resource. Since there was no DSC Resource available yet to import or remove certificates from a certain store from a computer I had to create one myself.


The result can be found here:

This resource is pretty simple, and it uses the powershell cmdlet Import-PfxCertificate to import a certificate, and the Remove-Item “Cert:\Storetype\Store\Thumbprint” to remove a certificate if required.